On March 19th, in response to the Covid-19 Crisis, our volunteers activated our Be A Book Hero™ Free Book Giveaway. We have given away over 30,000 books (as of 5/10/20) so far and are working very hard to fulfill every request received. We know the power of reading and realize more now than ever families need more access to books … so we are bringing the books directly to the families,
To help with the process we set up this online form for families throughout the U.S. to request books for all children in their family. As a 100% volunteer organization we are doing this with limited funding and only a couple of volunteers. We appreciate your patience while we work tireless to fulfill all the requests coming in. Please allow 3-6 weeks for your books.
Check out some of the incredible pictures from the families that have received their books already. Want to help us keep this going, please consider DONATINGtoday.